Thursday, July 21, 2011

Property based template parsing

The usage of string.Format is widely known and appreciated. It provides a simple and clean way to build parametrized strings. However, this method can become somewhat obscure when there is a large string (e.g. template) to be formatted. Sometimes lot of parameters are needed and all the parameter numbers make not much sense on a page sized string. In this case named parameters or template variable names would be desired.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

ASP.NET Compile Time Supported Validators


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With.NET 3.5 extension methods were introduced, these methods provide a great way built features into 'closed' objects or doing a way of IOC.

Either way, the following example shows the usages a 'simple' validation framework. It provides extensions to validate web controls with compile time support. Which is quiet nice if don't have to write any markup code anymore.